DC41 Part Cleaner Head Assembly
NOTICE: This is a non-returnable part. Please do not buy this part on spec simply because your brush isn't turning. Please make sure you test the machine has output voltage to the head BEFORE you buy this.
Please note: These machines have two possible variants of cleaner head fitted. If yours is an ERP or MK2 model, you need >>this one<< instead. Please >>email us<< with the first three digits of your serial number if in any doubt you are ordering the right item.
This is what Dyson call a Brushbar Motor Housing Service Assembly.
Basically, it is the cleanerhead minus the soleplate and brushbar.
There are two known faults with the DC41, one being premature brushbar motor failure, and the other being premature wear to the middle roller. As the housing that holds the small central wheel and axle wears, the wheel and axle fall out. This then makes the machine hard to push as it sucks itself to the floor.
This part is the easiest way to fix this problem. Click the photos to be sure you understand exactly what does and doesn't come with this.
If your soleplate and brushroll are worn as well, we have the full cleanerheads >>here<<.
You can select free delivery during checkout on this item, and it will come by Recorded Delivery.
Please note: This part is NOT suitable for USA machines.
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Tags: DC41, hard, push, wheel, axle, roller, cleanerhead, motor, cleaner, head, 923941-02